West Virginia Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star

Bridges of Blessings Grand Officers 2023 - 2024

Kathy Moss
Worthy Grand Matron


William 'Bill' Roberts
Worthy Grand Patron


Dorothy Chapman
Associate Grand Matron
Daniel Barkley
Associate Grand Patron.
Donna Rae Mullenix
Grand Secretary
Jim Porter
Grand Treasurer.
Cindi Shockey
Grand Conductress
Lisa Braithwaite
Associate Grand Conductress
Roger Gregg
Grand Chaplain
Erin Thomas Hutchinson
Grand Marshal
Connie Kinder
Grand Organist
Kathy Springer
Grand Adah
Pat Meadows
Grand Ruth
Fran Horne
Grand Esther
Juanita Murphy
Grand Martha.
Leigh Linger
Grand Electa
Tom Roush
Grand Warder
Dale Meadows
Grand Sentinel
Selma Humphreys
Grand Trustee
Sandy Dumire
Grand Trustee
Joe Myers
Grand Trustee
Cindy Strakal
Grand Trustee
Rayna O'Dell
Grand Trustee